The Children’s Bike Toimsa Vintage 16” combines classic style with modern features that provide safety and comfort. This bike was designed specifically for young riders who want to have fun on their bike while discovering the world around them. One of the main features of this bike are V-brakes that provide reliable braking force, thus allowing you to stop quickly. The bike comes with training wheels, allowing your child to develop their skills and build more confidence.
The bike comes with a front basket in which your kid can put their toys, water bottle or other small items that they want to carry around with them on their adventures. On the rear rack the kid can put, for instance, their backpack or another smallish luggage. The comfortable seat and ergonomic handlebars provide support during the ride and help maintain a correct posture. The Children’s Bike Toimsa Vintage 16” is ideal for young riders looking to explore their neighborhood.
Our tips:
- Don't know what type and size to pick for your child? You'll find out more in our guide.
- If you live in the Czech Republic or Slovakia, you can use you can visit our stores for servicing or trying a bike out.